

The Education Act states that parents have the primary responsibility for ensuring that children of a compulsory school age receive a suitable education.

Regular attendance at school is compulsory and necessary for a good education. The government set a minimum expectation of 90% attendance. Average attendance is 96%. 

At St Bede`s Primary School we ask parents and families to support in promoting good attendance in the following ways:

  • Ensuring that children attend school and arrive on time. Children arriving after 9:00 am will be marked as late.
  • If your child is ill, please contact the school on the first morning of absence via telephone on 01670 822389, or you can send an email to [email protected].  If you have access to the School Gateway, you could also send a text message. 
  • Avoid taking holidays during term time.  Before requesting a holiday, think about the lessons your child will miss, the difficulty they will have catching up and the effect it will have on how well they do at school.  If a family holiday falls during term time, a request holiday form should be filled in before the child goes away on holiday.  Absence for holidays will be recorded as unauthorized.  

School employs the services of an independent attendance officer who can offer support when required.