Weekly Worship

Weekly Worship


The school week begins with Celebration of the Word led by the leadership team. This is based on the Sunday Gospel readings of the churches year.  Each class contributes to this prayerful experience, by welcoming the Gospel and writing their own bidding prayers to be shared with the school community. Each class is given a Monday mission, where they are inspired by scripture to act positively and live out the mission. This contributes to pupil of the week each Friday where the pupils chosen have acted out this message through the week. 

Each week, children pray with their class. This may be meditation, creative prayer, prayer journaling or leading a short celebration of the word.  During this Celebration of the Word each class invite their Key Stage and parents and carers. This happens on a Thursday morning where their message focuses on one of the seven principles of Catholic Social teaching. 

  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person.
  • Call to Family, Community, and Participation.
  • Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.
  • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers.
  • Solidarity.
  • Care for God's Creation